Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Vociferous reaction from local publican

Rik, head honcho at Tor Leisure (which was once the Morlands Social Club) has been following developments at the Morlands site for a number of years. This is an extract of what he had to say - and mind it don't burn yer ears off!

1) They are paid to secure the site and have done so reasonably well, or are they admitting they have been unable to do that i.e. INCOMPETENT

2) The demonstrators are responsible people well aware of their surroundings, well aware they were under intense media scrutiny, and hardly at all likely to jeopardise their missing a couple of lessons at college let alone their lives.I hope the demostrators respond to the accusation they are completely unable to recognize they are human beings like the rest of us and incapable of crossing the road unaided.

3)What other stories or reports to police etc are there of, as portrayed, hoards of kids being removed from this site. If they say it has happened on many occasions before, where are the recorded incidents and if they continue with that line without justifiable evidence, I would call that INCOMPETENT

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH if they can't even manage a derelict site what sort of confidence can anyone have in their "deals" and development strategy?

An investigation MUST be implemented immediately into the conduct of this entire operation.i.e. what was claimed on the expense account for tonights "special appearance" when will the tap be turned off? We are all going to be paying for Gordo's promises for years, I really object to paying for this lot as well.

SWRDA must be realising that many local people share Rik's views. If they're unaware, I hope they're reading this.

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