Monday, 12 January 2009

Post-meeting press release from the Morlands Crew

The Morlands Crew's latest press release:


This morning the protestors on the Morlands site met with the SWRDA and the Mayor of Glastonbury. A constructive discussion took place and the following has been agreed:

The Mayor offered to convene an extra-ordinary meeting of the Town Council with Morlands as the sole agenda item and the SWRDA have agreed to attend and to respond to written questions from the public. This meeting is expected to take place within the next two weeks and members of the public will be able to attend. The SWRDA agreed that no demolition work will take place prior to the conclusion of this meeting.

The protestors asked for time to prepare a formal proposal for the renovation and use of the 'red brick building'. The SWRDA were unable to make any firm commitments on this due to their contract with Urban Splash but have agreed to report back to the public meeting on the current status of that contract and as to whether or not it may be possible to vary its terms.

The SWRDA gave an assurance that if at any point after the public meeting they should decide to commence demolition work on the 'red brick building' then two weeks public notice will be given.

The protestors agreed to end their occupation and to vacate the building by midday Tuesday (Jan 13th).

We are pleased that we have opened a meaningful dialogue with the SWRDA on the future of the Morlands site. We hope that local people's frustration about the situation can now be turned into a powerful creative force for collaboration between the various communities in the town and with the SWRDA.

For further information contact Hazel on 01458 833871 or

End of press release

Barefootreporter's cynical side wonders about SWRDA's change of heart: it will remain to be seen whether they're just trying to solve the PR problems that have arisen from their actions on the Morlands site, or whether they'll show a real commitment to responding to the needs of the community. Trust is like a glacier that ends at the sea: it grows slowly, but huge chunks fall off at the other end...

Video clips to come, watch this space!

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