Friday, 9 January 2009

Another response

This - anonymous - response came as a comment to Niall Connolly's post below: you can also find it here

As I understand it the planning consent does not specify what business can go into the site, and even if it did it would still not explain why the SWRDA have repeatedly refused applications from already local comapnies employing local people and hoping to expand. The oficial reason behind the SWRDA dis-allowing Cosyfeet's entry to the site was that they did not consider the company would increase it's employee numbers and were not 'IT based' enough. Well, in the two years since this decision Cosyfeet has doubled it's work forse and 50% of their trade is web-based. Does that not say there is something dodgy about the 'guidelines' for tenenats? The SWRDA want to attract 'technology based' industry, but to entice new business into an area two things MUST be available, a local, available, skilled work force and fantastic motorway access (business studies/human geography 101). I'd like to know which of the three, narrow, pot holed roads leading into Glastonbury are considered 'fabulous motorway link' and where the SWRDA are hiding the hundreds of Glasonbury Technophiles wanting a job.

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