Avalon gateway could make a great statement
January 13 2009
As the protesters moved out of the derelict factory, one Glastonbury resident called on the SWRDA to seize the opportunity to use the site to create a spiritual university.
"The Morlands site is the gateway to Avalon," said Bryn Whitcombe.
"This is an excellent opportunity for the SWRDA to create something amazing on that site, rather than just another business park.
"For centuries, Glastonbury has been a centre of pilgrimage for people of all faiths and I would love to see it used to create a space where people of all faiths could come and enrich their souls."
Sounds like an interesting idea, and personally, I like it: but I can't help thinking that a suggestion like that will lead to a 'holy war' which will highlight some of the divisions that, like it or not, already exist in this wonderfully diverse town.
Best of luck to Mr Whitcombe: I think it's about time we moved on from the old entrenched positions and begin to work together for the benefit of the community as a whole. I'm not sure if SWRDA can be reached with a spiritual approach, but if his idea can be an instrument of change, then we'll all benefit.
We are all now living on the brink of another defining moment in History, like that of the great Wall Street crash of 1929; tough & painful times ahead for many... BUT, like Roosevelt then and Obama now, we can realise that in a crisis there is great opportunity. Many people are questioning `old` values of monetary gain and `Gross Domestic Product` as a `be all and end all` but more & more care about the healthy guardianship of our children,animals,food...of our Planet. Government,the Stock Exchange,Shareholders,Bankers,Investors, need to look hard at the signs...of human wants,needs and aspirations(not just physical) as a pointer to the future prosperity of the Nation...to INVEST in optimists and visionaries.Bryn Whitcombe`s vision could be just such an amalgamation.