Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Morlands crew meets with SWRDA

Some people from the SWRDA, led by Paul Calvert, visited the Morlands site today to meet the crew. Unfortunately I didn't catch the whole meeting, but the video below gives an impression of how things went.

Some of the crew were busy putting boards on the windows and generally trying to sort the space out, so a longer occupation would be a bit more comfortable.

BBC Somerset sent a film crew and broadcast this on Points West, the local news slot:

They've also written an article.


  1. Loving it !! Keep up the good work.

  2. Fantastic stuff! You've exposed the dodgy dealings and deliberate neglect of the RDA good & proper. Looks like you've got the public mood behind you and so, the wind's in yr sails so to speak! just hope you're all keeping warm! Hang in there!
