Tuesday, 13 January 2009

More press coverage

I thought this blogger's life would get easier after the protest ended, but no: if anything, there's more to report.

Western Daily Press:

Protesters win reprieve for historic Glastonbury industrial building

January 12 2009


"Sit-in protesters are packing up their sleeping bags and moving out of a crumbling factory after people power won an historic industrial site a stay of execution.

Campaigners against the demolition of Morlands in Glastonbury hailed a last-minute meeting with the South West Regional Development Agency (RDA) a victory for everyone involved after the Government body agreed to hold back bulldozers until a public meeting is organised to discuss the future of the brownfield site and local landmark.

Protesters moved in to protect their industrial heritage after planners decided they could not afford to convert the iconic site and would demolish it.

But the RDA has opted to hold fire on its unpopular plans after talking to campaigners yesterday.

It will now hold an open meeting, in conjunction with Glastonbury Town Council, to allow the community and civic leaders to have their say on how they want the site to be used."

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