It's Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping!
Reverend Billy is a superb parody of a Baptist preacher (check out his hair!), who stages guerilla events with the Stop Shopping Gospel Choir in shopping malls, encouraging people to stop shopping. At first they just think he's an ordinary bible-basher...but no!
Here's a quote from the About Us page:
"Statement of Belief
Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Gospel Choir believe that Consumerism is overwhelming our lives. The corporations want us to have experiences only through their products.
Our neighborhoods, "commons" places like stoops and parks and streets and libraries, are disappearing into the corporatized world of big boxes and chain stores. But if we "back away from the product" – even a little bit, well then we Put The Odd Back In God!
The supermodels fly away and we're left with our original sensuality. So we are singing and preaching for local economies and real – not mediated through products – experience.
We like independent shops where you know the person behind the counter or at least –you like them enough to share a story.We ask that local activists who are defending themselves against supermalls, nuke plants, gentrification – call us and we'll come and put on our "Fabulous Worship!"
Remember children... Love is a Gift Economy! — The Rev"
Not entirely unrelated, methinks?
He also drives demons out of cash registers:
Word is that he's banned from every Starbucks in the whole world. Somehow I don't think he's missing them.
Here's a screenshot of a Google Search:

Can you spot what's wrong with this image? :)
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