Saturday, 10 January 2009

Alan Gloak says occupation "gives me hope"

Chairman of Somerset County Council Alan Gloak made the following statement today on Gwell, a Glastonbury online discussion forum.
As John Brunsdon and I are the only two Councillors left who were at the original meeting with the SWRDA on 15th November 2001, I found it fascinating to look back over those papers I have kept and muse on the manner in which the SWRDA, who were the saviours of the derelict Morlands site, became the Villains they are today.

How has this come about is almost a text book study in how to fool all of the people all of the time: that includes me. I, for a very long time, was a mouth piece for the SWRDA and supported them. However, when at the last series of meetings they really showed they had no idea what to do with the site, they could not organise a party in a brewery, they refused to tell Ken Madock then the leader of Mendip or my self - Chairman of the County Council - in confidence who might go on the site, well, I gave up. The real answer: NO ONE.

One of the papers I have kept is "Morlands An Insoluble Problem or an Historic Opportunity." Another paper entitled "Morlands Village , A post-industrial development" as one of its aims "a large space for young people to use," Yes, I remember that it was the Hepworth Building, a road now runs through it - not around but through.

My last comment is in December 2001. I note it is recorded that I said "This means sites like Morlands must play it's part in the economic regeneration of the county". I do not retract one word of that, as I am sure John Brunsdon does not retract his words "A good mixture of uses - strong employment element".

I could go on but that is all water under the bridge, the young people are the councillors of tomorrow. We are only here today. They have by their occupation given me hope. I wish them well. Alan
I hope the RDA realises that it's not in their interest to further alienate our local politicians. Alan Gloak enjoys wide respect here: if SWRDA aren't going to listen to our elected representatives, who will they listen to?

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