Tuesday, 1 October 2013

an anonymous chat

note: this is an actual chat between two people who met randomly. they were aware that someone else could see what they were saying. the words 'Tori' and 'Uke' are from Aikido - they're not names. any identifiable details have been removed/edited

Question to discuss:
why do you always fuck things up?

Tori: Idk...
Tori: i just do

Uke: lol
Uke: ass fucker

Tori: well....

Uke: not u

Tori: ohhh lol
Tori: Asl?

Uke: now go

Tori: ????

Uke: i
Uke: am
Uke: a
Uke: BOY

Tori: well hi BOY lol. Imma girl

Uke: age

Tori: 17 u/
Tori: ?

Uke: 14

Tori: Well hi. Name?

Uke: Xxxx

Tori: Im Xxxxxx. I like ur name :)

Uke: thx
Uke: u to

Tori: :) where r u from?

Uke: aus

Tori: Im from England

Uke: cool

Tori: :) Hru?

Uke: im alright
Uke: wby

Tori: Eh... why u just alright?'

Uke: cuz
Uke: im bored
Uke: wbu

Tori: Just...nothin

Uke: tell me

Tori: Well...can i ask u something?

Uke: okay

Tori: Well....ok. i slept with my teacher....and idk what to do.

Uke: why would u do that

Tori: Because...idk. I really like him. a lot.
Tori: and he would get in a lot of trouble if anyone found out.

Uke: how old is he

Tori: ....25

Uke: wtf

Tori: ik...

Uke: why would u even
Uke: thatr gross

Tori: no its not!
Tori: its just sex
Tori: im not tht young

Uke: illegal sex

Tori: i know

Uke: tell ur parens

Tori: NO.

Uke: have u told ur friends

Tori: no

Uke: ?

Tori: ....idk wat to do.

Uke: who did u tell

Tori: no1. well u but...
Tori: ya know

Uke: so
Uke: uh
Uke: why do u like him

Tori: hes perfect.

Uke: how
Uke: hes old

Tori: no only 8 yrs

Uke: so
Uke: thats gross
Uke: u shouldnt do it again

Tori: not if it was the best sex uve ever had
Tori: i dnt think i will

Uke: how many times have u had it for it to be the best

Tori: ....4
Tori: ewll now 5
Tori: *well

Uke: lol
Uke: with ppl ur own age

Tori: yes
Tori: well 1 was youjgervthan me...

Uke: how much

Tori: *was younger than
Tori: lol
Tori: like...3 yrs
Tori: lol ur age

Uke: u had sex with someone my age

Tori: yes

Uke: lol
Uke: uh
Uke: okay

Tori: haha ur flustered
Tori: lol

Uke: noo

Tori: hahahhhahahaha
Tori: yes u r

Uke: how do u know

Tori: bc ur all like "lol" "uh" "okay" hahah

Uke: llol
Uke: anyway

Tori: hahahah im right

Uke: wat do u wanna talk about

Tori: idk...r u a virgin?

Uke: yea

Tori: awwwe

Uke: its okay

Tori: Ur so cute

Uke: i am?

Tori: yeaaaaa

Uke: thnx
Uke: u too

Tori: Well thanssss
Tori: lol
Tori: what do u look like?

Uke: brown hair and hazel eyes

Tori: :) cute
Tori: do u play any sports?

Uke: i used to play bball
Uke: i hurt myself toh
Uke: tho
Uke: so right now no

Tori: Baseball? or basketball?
Tori: brb

Uke: okay
Uke: u back yet

Tori: I am now
Tori: :)\
Tori: baseball or basketball
Tori: ?

Uke: basketball

Tori: ahhh so ur tall

Uke: im normal i guess

Tori: :)

Uke: wbu
Uke: wat u looks like

Tori: Wellllllll I have like...idk golden brown hair it reaches my waist and is kinda curly at the ends. um ive got green eyes. im short :(

Uke: u sound hot

Tori: ....well thanks lol

Uke: u got a good body

Tori: um..i dance so yeah i guesss
Tori: i mean a teacher fucked me so i gotta be at least pretty lol

Uke: yea haha

Tori: :)

Uke: nic
Uke: e

Tori: wyd??

Uke: im just laying on my bed watching a movie
Uke: wbu

Tori: laying on my bed being bored. lol

Uke: why dont u do something

Tori: like?

Uke: i dunno lol
Uke: watch a movie

Tori: ehhhh the movies are on my desk which is too far away. lol
Tori: im also really lazy
Tori: lol

Uke: wat do u wanna do

Tori: ....idk.....
Tori: do u hav a gf?

Uke: no
Uke: i did

Tori: what happened?

Uke: she dump me

Tori: awwwwe poor baby. why?

Uke: cuz we wanted different things

Tori: awe ok

Uke: wbu
Uke: u got a bf

Tori: no he cheated on me

Uke: why
Uke: wat a asshole

Tori: i know. he...hes who i gave my virginity too
Tori: *to

Uke: oh
Uke: how old is he

Tori: 19 now

Uke: oh okay

Tori: yeah. he...he cheated on me with my sister.

Uke: wtf

Tori: i know

Uke: so
Uke: um
Uke: wat do u wanna talk about

Tori: idk....what do u wanna talk about>
Tori: ?

Uke: how r u

Tori: im good. i like talkiing to you. u make me feel better now. lol
Tori: wbu?

Uke: thats good

Tori: :)

Uke: im still okay

Tori: well whats on ur mind babe?

Uke: alot

Tori: tell me

Uke: lol
Uke: um
Uke: life

Tori: what about it?

Uke: its just boring

Tori: yeah i understand
Tori: do u self harm?

Uke: wbu

Tori: yes.

Uke: why

Tori: i asked u first. do u self hsrm?

Uke: yea sometimes

Tori: what do u do?
Tori: cut? burn?

Uke: cut

Tori: yeah me too. what do u use?

Uke: razor blade

Tori: i use a box cutter

Uke: that would hurt

Tori: yeah
Tori: its supposed too.
Tori: so y do u do it?

Uke: cuz sometimes im sad

Tori: why babe?

Uke: people

Tori: what do people do?

Uke: annoy me

Tori: yeah i understand. :)

Uke: wbu
Uke: ?
Uke: u still therre
Uke: ???
Uke: hello

Tori has disconnected

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