Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Mr Monbiot gets it right

I don't always like what George Monbiot writes: it's not so much where he's coming from, as it's clear to me that he's a good bloke, really. But he does have a 'profile' and I suspect that when he's writing, his 'profile' sometimes counts as much as what he's writing about...and I wish I could write as well as he does.

Anyway, enough waffle: he's hit the bloody nail on the head this time. Get this:

Politics is broken, so what do we do? We leave it to the politicians

We are trapped in a spiral of political alienation. Politics isn't working for us, so we leave it to the politicians. The political vacuum is then filled with heartless, soulless, gutless technocrats: under what other circumstances could political ghosts like Jack Straw, Geoff Hoon, Alistair Darling, Hazel Blears, Peter Mandelson or John Hutton remain in office? Unmolested by the public, corporate lobbyists collaborate with this empty political class to turn parliament into a conspiracy against the public. Revolted by these phantoms, seeing nowhere to turn, we withdraw altogether, granting them even richer opportunities to exploit us.

And later on, he writes about a bloke who's started one of those 'I wish I had thought of that' projects that the Intertubes turns out now and then. It's called Do Something About It - and I'm not going to tell you any more - visit the site and sign up. Do Something About It!

(Well done Mr Monbiot. All is forgiven!)

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