Morlands Executive Group finally got round to publishing the minutes of the last meeting. Note the presence of Jim Barron and Les Bennett - agreed at the extraordinary council meeting last month.
Kay Allen - Head of Community Regeneration, SCC
Cllr Harvey Siggs - Leader, MDC
Malcolm Williams - Director, Community & Regeneration, MDC
Cllr Alvin Horsfall - Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, SCC
Cllr Les Bennett - Chair, West Mendip Community Partnership
Cllr Jim Barron - Glastonbury Town Council
Cllr Tom Billing - Glastonbury Town Council
Carl Budden - Area Head of Regeneration, SWRDA
Paul Calvert - Asset Manager, SWRDA
1.. Welcome & Introductions
CB welcomed everyone to the meeting. TB explained that JB had been nominated as Glastonbury Town Council's representative on the MEG. TB would attend MEG meetings periodically in his capacity as Mayor.
AH queried the reason for the SWRDA meeting with Cllrs Harvey Siggs and Ken Maddock following the MEG meeting on 1 December 2008. CB explained that this was a "one off" meeting arranged out of courtesy to brief both Cllrs as neither could attend the December meeting.
Membership of the MEG was discussed and in particular whether Street should be represented. It was agreed that this is not necessary; LB as Chair of WMCP would represent the views of Street.
Additional agenda items were agreed as follows:
Mendip DC land
Land at Wearyall Hill
Land adjacent to Skatepark site
2.. Apologies
No apologies were received
3.. Notes of last meeting and matters arising
It was agreed that the notes of the meeting held on 1 December, 2008 accurately reflected the matters reported and discussed. AH reinforced his view that consideration should be given to the use of micro hydro power in the Northover Mill renovation project. SWRDA will discuss this with BIRT and the SWRDA Renewable Energy Team.
4.. Urban Splash update
US are drawing up detailed proposals for the renovation of the two listed (Baily's) buildings and for the new build office units on plots E1 and E2. They propose to submit a full detailed planning application for this first phase of development by April. Plots E1 & E2 also offer the opportunity to secure a development for Strode College and US have been in discussion with Strode and their advisors regarding this. At the same time they will submit an outline application for the redbrick/Bauhaus site (Plots B1 / B2). They will carry out a detailed feasibility study to determine the viability of retaining the redbrick building.
In addition to the normal planning process, US are preparing a Community Consultation Plan and propose to hold a "walk in" public exhibition in Glastonbury which will give them the opportunity to engage with Glastonbury and Street residents on their vision and proposals for Morlands.
There followed a detailed discussion on the risks, costs and problems of retaining the redbrick buildings given SWRDA's concerns over Health & Safety, the decision to demolish the building and the subsequent decision to put the demolition contract on hold following the "sit in" by a group of protesters. The firm view of all elected representatives on the MEG was that the building should be demolished.
5.. Priority Sites update.
There has been no significant change since the December meeting. Priority Sites is 51% owned by RBS and 49% by the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) and this creates some uncertainty regarding their ongoing development remit. However, the local management say they are still committed to Morlands and will get on site as soon as they can. Members of MEG questioned how long SWRDA were prepared to give Priority Sites to deliver their scheme for which they have detailed planning permission. CB explained that there was still a reasonable prospect that Priority Sites would start work soon and SWRDA were therefore happy to continue working with them for the time being.
6.. CPG/Avalon Plastics update.
Contracts have finally been exchanged with CPG and a press release has been agreed with Avalon. CPG will now submit a detailed planning application and expect to start on site by April/May 2009
7.. Other Disposals update
Plot G. Discussions are ongoing regarding a possible hotel/restaurant scheme on this site. This use received unanimous approval from MEG members.
Plot E3. There is continued interest from two local businesses. Varlin are arranging for their consultants to view the site and advise them on development options.
JB asked why local car dealer Percy's had been rejected by SWRDA. Although retail is not permitted they could still have a workshop/servicing facility on site. CB explained that this use did not fit in with the Enterprise Park.
8. Beckery Cottages. (Mendip Housing) update.
SWRDA had been expecting to announce that contracts had been exchanged with Mendip Housing. Unfortunately there has been a further legal delay but SWRDA's solicitors have assured them that exchange is imminent.
9. Northover Mill (BIRT) update.
SWRDA has agreed to transfer the Freehold of the property to BIRT immediately rather than wait for them to secure funding for the total renovation project cost. Owning the FH should put BIRT in a better position to secure project funding and will also allow them to utilise volunteer labour to carry out some of the works.
10. Skatepark (Mendip District Council) update.
Solicitors have been instructed regarding the land transfer.
11. Chapel Fields (Somerset County Council)
Solicitors have been instructed regarding the land transfer.
12. Estate Management update.
A site meeting was being arranged with local builder D Cribb & Son to look at building security options
13. Public Relations - Review and update.
The PR protocol (January 2009) was circulated for comments.
14. AOB - additional agenda items.
Wearyall Hill: Mendip DC is happy for this land to be transferred to Glastonbury Town Council.
Land adjacent to Skatepark: Town Council to put a proposal to Mendip DC regarding the future use of this land
Mendip DC land: The clean up costs for the heavily contaminated northern part of this site are estimated to be several million pounds. However, there are only "hot spots" of contamination on the southern part of the site and the council has received a number of enquiries for low grade employment uses such as storage. It is recognised that such uses might be in conflict with the proposals for the re-use of the listed buildings. Mendip DC also has a housing duty to the travellers currently camped on this site and until this issue is resolved proposals for the Mendip DC land are on hold.
15. Date of next meeting.
27 April 2009, 10.00am, County Hall, Taunton.
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