I got to Wexford the day before yesterday after getting rained on (again) on the way from Rosslare. Guess what? It rained. It pissed in at a 30 degree angle from a variety of directions yesterday - but at least the night was dry. I could hear fish - probably mullet - splashing in the water from where I slept.
I'd pitched my tarp well enough but sometimes you just have to accept that the weather has got the better of you. I gave in at about two in the afternoon and spent the night in a nice cheap hostel in Wexford.
Here's some pics from Rosslare and Wexford. I hung out on the quay at Wexford, while the weather held, but got accosted by some stupidly drunken Polish (I think) seaman who was offended by my refusal of a swig of cooking sherry. I was worried that at one point I'd have to slap him to make him go away but he saw sense...I guess "Fuck off!" in a loud voice is pretty international.
My neighbours the seals were much nicer. As you can see, they had a little conference about me :)
Wexford is a bit depressing. The Credit Crunch has hit Ireland quite hard and the result can be seen along the seafront, where half the shops are closed. It's a bit better on the main shopping street but the radio is reporting 12-13% unemployment.
The nice chap who gave me a lift to Waterford mentioned that I should establish my Irish credentials right away with people - my maternal grandfather was a McCarthy from Dublin, and that's about all I know - as according to him, there were still some funny people around this country.
The landscape is beginning to look very nice...very green but with the odd mountain here and there. I'm thinking of heading out west to a marine nature reserve called Lough Hyne which looks very nice...

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